Red Dragon Inn

Organised by Tarquin Murnane
Adult Content: PG (Pretend Drinking)
Characterisation: NA
Genre Knowledge: NA
Rules Knowledge: 1
Seriousness: 1

Running in Sessions: E, I

The Adventure's Over, the Party's Just Getting Started

The Red Dragon was crowded tonight thought the Barmaid; one group was especially loud tonight…

Gerki the Sneak dumped his drink in the floor…

Zot the Wizard leapt to grab Pooky as his familiar jumped at Deirdre the Priestess and yelled 'No Pooky, that's my friend!'

Almost ignoring the threat Deidre passed her Dragon's Breath Ale to Fiona the Volatile 'You look like you need this more than I do'

Fiona looked at it, 'This is just the thing to get the rust off my armor!' dabbing it on her shoulder joint. Turning to Eve she said 'We're at an inn and you're not drinking? What's wrong with you?' and pushed a drink toward the Illusionist.

'Drink what? This is empty!' she replied before turning to Fleck the Bard, 'Tip the Wench?'

With a big smile Fleck he responded 'I don't think so!' Turning to Dimli he said 'This is in payment for that heroic ballad I wrote about you!' nicking two gold away from in front of the dwarf.

Grouching the dwarf looked from the bard to the half-ogre and his drink, settling on Gog the beast he pushed his drink toward him 'You have this; I'm waiting for the good stuff!'

Gog, drunk off his considerable feet slammed back the drink, looked at everyone and yelled 'Gog loves everyone' enveloping the entire table into his arms, their responses were muffled by armpits…

From inside the embrace Serena was heard muffled 'It's time to pray'

Wizgille dodge out of the way exclaimed 'Not right now! This device is very delicate' fiddling with something

Coughing and squirming loose Kaylin said 'I need some Private Pixie Time'

Turning to the Pixie Phrenk the Troll said 'You're looking a little green. Drink this.'

The Barmaid shook her head…just another night at the Red Dragon Inn…

* * *

Red Dragon Inn is a card game where players try to get each other drunk, beaten up or both. Easy to pick up and fun to play. Play one or both sessions, not so much the last one standing as the last one able to keep their heads above the table even if the rest is slumping toward the floor! All three editions will be used.