Friday Night Poker Club: World of Warcraft Edition

Written by Random Jones

Systemless (and Poker)
Players: 5 - 24

Adult Content: PG
Characterisation: 3
Genre Knowledge: 1
Rules Knowledge: 1 (Poker rules can be learned in game.)
Seriousness: 0

Running in Sessions: C, M

Server maintenance, and all is not quite quiet...

"Shh, I'm trying to think here"
"Call, raise or fold?"
"... Call"
"Right, we're calling you. Show us what you got."
"Blood and Thunder!"
"But...but...I am...Ul...trax...ionnnnnn..."

What else are they supposed to do while the server is down?

Friday Night Poker Club - World of Warcraft Edition is a poker game with a difference set in the computer game World of Warcraft. Knowledge of the World of Warcraft universe is helpful to enjoying the characters, but poker can be learnt as you go.

Beginner Friendly and Costumes are encouraged

Character List

Still being determined.

The poker rules that will be used for this game can be downloaded in pdf format from here.