Minecraft Panic

Written by John D'Alton

Players: 8 - 14

Adult Content: M
Characterisation: 3
Genre Knowledge: 1
Rules Knowledge: 0
Seriousness: 3

Running in Sessions: A, E. More Sessions will open if the need demands it.

One minute you were using your new VR goggles to immerse in Minecraft, and the next you found yourself literally inside the world, digging a very deep hole and with a Creeper walking towards you. In the distance another player screamed in terror and died with a horrible gurgling sound. And was that a chicken that just exploded. What is happening?! Will you panic or use your superior Sheldon-esque nerd-skills to survive and find your way back to reality.

No knowledge of Minecraft is required, but any MMORPG experience is beneficial.